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The 9th Shanghai Wind Energy Exhibition•Hefei Win Power Co., Ltd

Release time:2015-05-15   Click:5689

The 9th China (Shanghai) International Wind Energy Exhibition was held in Shanghai International Expo. Center from 13th April to 15thApril, 2015.. As the leading brand Wind Power received more attention.
This exhibition is our fifth exhibition, during the exhibition, many new controller models with new functions are displayed. The function details are as follows:
1.The waterproof level:  IP67. This function is available to all Win Power Wind/Solar Hybrid Controller.,intelligent dimming + constantoutput current+ Bluetooth + MPPT all in one wind solar hybrid street light controller, wireless WIFI controllers, touch screen display wind solar hybrid controller;
2. LCD street light controller, 2kVA sine wave inverter, 1kW wind solar Hybrid Controller with Inverter;
3. System SolutionsWind Solar Hybrid Monitoring System, wind solar power generation systems, wind diesel hybrid power systems, photovoltaic systems, Grid-tied Wind Turbine System, Wind Solar Hybrid Telecom System.
Customer Advisory New Products:WIFI communications controller, IP67 waterproof solar hybrid street light controller, touch screen display wind solar hybrid controller.
