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Obama's New Policy Advocates the Development of Clean Energy

Release time:2011-02-12   Click:218

    According to reports, the US administration of Barack Obama has actively promoted the development of clean energy, hoping that the goal of 80% of electricity supply by 2035 will help renewable energy companies. In addition, although the US federal government has not reached a consensus, the US state government has launched its own relevant programs to stimulate the development of clean energy.

    Obama said the United States needed similar innovation and reiterated a State of the Union goal of getting 80 percent of its electricity from clean sources by 2035. Recently,Obama visited Orion Energy Systems, a renewable-energy company in Wisconsin that employs 250 people to make solar and other clean-energy systems.

    U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu has said that to achieve this goal, the United States needs to double its electricity from clean energy sources, and the new federal budget will propose spending $8 billion on clean energy development, including making solar power cost-competitive with fossil fuels by the end of 2020.

    Solar and wind companies such as First Solar and natural gas companies such as Devon Energy are expected to benefit if the bill is passed by the U.S. Congress. In the past, U.S. lawmakers have faced opposition to bills that only cover solar and wind energy, and analysts said Obama''s new plan would cover nuclear, natural gas and other energy sources in addition to renewable energy, so integrating a broader scope could help win more support from lawmakers.

    On the other hand, although the US federal government has not reached a consensus on how to develop clean energy, some state governments have introduced plans to stimulate the development of clean energy. In Arizona, for example, which is striving to become the center of the solar industry in the United States, SB1403, which went into effect in January 2010, has created about 900 jobs and attracted $119 million in investment so far.

    Joseph Tuerff, renewable energy development specialist for Manpower, said Arizona''s solar industry is showing substantial and sustained growth, with the highest demand for senior and mid-level managers, while both U.S. and foreign players contribute to the local industry. Solar players of various sizes, including Suntech, Linamar, Tower Automotive, Rio Glass, Alpha Energies and PowerOne, have a presence in Arizona.

    It remains to be seen whether the federal government will pass a renewable energy bill before the 2012 U.S. elections, but Tuerff pointed to a growing number of states pushing for clean energy. State legislatures in Colorado, New Mexico, Oregon, Nevada and New Jersey have created an environment suitable for the development of the solar industry, which is expected to further stimulate the development of the U.S. clean energy market.

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